Propagation and interferometry of bright matter wave solitons
Nick Robins  1@  , Patrick Everitt, Mahasen Sooriyabandara, Gordon Mcdonald, Carlos Kuhn@
1 : Quantum Sensors and Atomlaser Laboratory  (ANU)  -  Website
Department of Quantum Science, Australian National University, -  Australia

The creation and propagation of bright matter wave solitons in 85Rb will be discussed. Recent results on atom interferometry using these states will be presented, showing a dramatic improvement in fringe visibility around the soliton point. Results will be presented on an intriguing new observation of matter wave breathers - stable excited state solitons. Evidence, both from theory and experiment, will be presented suggesting that significant three-body scattering is present in this system. For example, in a non-interacting gas (zero s-wave scattering, a_s=0), the ratio of the centre of mass mode to the breathing mode is measured to be ~1.7, instead of the expected ratio of 2, an observation that is precisely modelled by a non-zero three body scattering rate. At a_s<0, stable breather solitons are observed, and here too, soliton existence and oscillation ratios are found to be consistent with the presence of three-body scattering. A discussion of implications for past and future experiments will be given.

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